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The Top 25 Interesting Research Paper Topics In The 1900s

If you are assigned to write a research paper on the 1900s, you are going to have fun planning, researching, and writing on this subject. The years from 1900 to 1909 are filled with innovation, action, fun, personalities, and drama. Use our top 25 topics for research papers on the 1900s to find the most interesting topic for you.

Top 25 Interesting 1900s Research Paper Topics

  1. The Kodak Brownie camera makes its debut-innovation and science

  2. Orville and Wilbur wright take flight-innovation, travel, and science

  3. Theodore Roosevelt is elected the U.S. Vice President-politics

  4. The New York Subway Opens-innovation and science

  5. President McKinley is shot by Leon Czolgosz-politics

  6. Queen Victoria died-World politics and the monarchy

  7. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire-tragedy and science

  8. Henry Ford opens his first plant-innovation and science

  9. The Boston Red Sox win the very first World Series -sports

  10. The first silent movie called The Great Train Robbery is released-entertainment and innovation

  11. The construction on the Panama Canal began-innovation and travel

  12. The Theory of Relativity is introduced by Albert Einstein-science and innovation

  13. The first Corn Flake cereal is sold-marketing, innovation, and food

  14. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is released-literature and discovery

  15. The first electric washing machine is sold to the public-marketing and innovation

  16. The Model T rolls off the production line-innovation, travel, and industry

  17. The NAACP is first founded-politics and Civil Rights

  18. Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier in MLB-sports and Civil Rights

  19. 1900 hurricane destroys Galveston, Texas-weather and tragedy

  20. The first fighting begins in the Russo-Japanese War-World politics

  21. In 1905 Bloody Sunday occurs in St. Petersburg-World politics

  22. The existence of quanta is proven by Max Planck-science and innovation

  23. The Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France in 1900-sports and World news

  24. The Gold Standard Act is passed in 1900-government and finance

  25. In 1900 the World’s Fair was held in Paris, France-World news and innovation

As you can see, many events occurred in different areas of study. These 25 top interesting research paper topics for the 1900s cover science, innovation, politics, tragedy, World news, and entertainment to name just a few. Simply find your field of interest, and select your topic from our interesting and exciting list of 25 1900s topics.

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