Somalito English

A List Of Fresh Ideas For A Research Paper On Nursing

Nursing is a vibrant field with several avenues for growth and even migration to those who find themselves called to that profession. Perhaps nurses in previous generations felt obligated to pursue a path that resembles the one laid out by their predecessors. Not so anymore. The opportunity exists to forge a new path by engaging in trail blazing research. Some of the most exciting nursing research topics at present include:

  • Drug Use
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Meditation
  • Human Sexuality
  • Gerontology
  • And many others

The following topics use some of those concepts and can be woven into fascinating research that changes lives and even revolutionizes some aspect of the healthcare system:

  1. Holistic Medicine: The future of palliative care
  2. Can Moringa Seeds be used to treat detoxing patients?
  3. Have the rising obesity levels been fueled by misguided health intervention programs?
  4. Will the legalization of currently illegal drugs lead to positive changes in healthcare?
  5. Does the use of sulfur significantly impact the speed of wound healing?
  6. To what extent can cosmetic surgery be seen as necessary to health and wellbeing?
  7. Can anorexia be treated by a full absence of television, radio and internet exposure?
  8. Should intersex babies be allowed to remain with ambiguous genitals until they are old enough to decide for themselves?
  9. How effective is carambola extract in suppressing the effects of HIV on the immune system?
  10. Can the placebo effect of vitamin C be used to stop cold symptoms from progressing?
  11. To what extent can menstrual related pains be mitigated by the use of meditation and music?
  12. Should civilians be offered basic midwife training in regions that are isolated from the nearest hospitals?
  13. How does the removal of cooked food from the diet affect the growth rate of children?
  14. Is eczema a symptom of yeast overgrowth throughout the body?
  15. Does the radiation from laptops and other similar devices pose a threat to unborn babies?

Nursing affords opportunities in specializations in many different fields. This means that you need not feel pressured to do any one type of research over another. If the topics above seem almost right for you but not quite, you can always adjust them to suit your needs or goals. By doing this you make it your own and once you feel that connected to you research you will fight for it more passionately. The best discoveries come from that place of connectivity.

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